Dog Bed Style File.
A neutral colour interior design pallet is one of the most popular design choices. The pallet of neutral colours combined together looks just stunning. The combination of neutral colours can feel both calming and refreshing at the same time. Our Fur Personality dog bedding range is all about colour and we have an extensive colour pallet from bright colours through to neutral colours. This extensive colour pallet means you can choose a colour that suits your design needs. If you love neutral colours and want to find neutral coordinates for your home décor we have you covered. Our neutral colour pallet choices include grey, black and chocolate. Neutral colours are great to work with because they can coordinate with brighter colours or you can layer neutral colours with each other.
Our grey dog bedding collection focus on the colour grey in all the designs. The dog bed designs Fur Personality Content and Neutral both have a neutral colour pallet combination. These dog beds have the same colour pallet used in both designs. The background colour is dark grey. The other neutral colours with the pallet is cream and light grey. The combination of these neutral colours looks amazing. The contrasting light grey and cream makes the pattern pop. They may share the same colour pallet but have different patterns.
The dog bed Fur Personality Content features large modern shapes. Some of these shapes are filled with light grey and cream. The other shapes are outline only. The filled shapes are organized and the outline shapes are layered on top. The shapes consist of different sized rectangles and squares. This modern pattern would make a great design choice if your are looking for a modern or contemporary look. You could also consider this design if you are looking for a retro styling edge.
The dog bed Fur Personality Neutral is not as bold in design as Fur Personality Content. It does not appear as bold because the shapes are a little more refined. The pattern is made up of a combination of squares and triangles. These shapes are linked together with feature lines. The feature lines are either cream of light grey. The shapes have both colour filled and outline only shapes. It’s pattern design is both stunning and interesting. This design is also a great choice if you are looking for modern, contemporary or retro décor styling.
Because these two dog beds share the same colour pallet and modern styling they make a great coordinate set. They would make a stunning addition to your home décor styling. They can sit alongside other neutral décor choices and they can also coordinate with brighter colours. The coloured fabric patterns of the dog beds Fur Personality Content and Neutral have been exclusively designed for the Fur Personality dog bedding collection. Having fabric patterns that are exclusive to the range gives this range its designer edge. This in turn gives the range its own uniqueness and style. Not only will they make a fantastic interior design choice, but your fur friend will have their very own fashion bed.