Dog Bed Interior Design.
Autumn is here and we can now see the beautiful colours of the season. Some leaves change colour and you can see some stunning colours that come to life during this season. How can you not be inspired by such natural beauty. Make sure you don’t miss the beauty of this season. When you and your fur friend take walks together you both get to enjoy being in the outdoors. If you and your fur friend walk in areas where there is natural beauty you can enjoy all the weather seasons on your walk. This includes the stunning Autumn tree display you can see during this season. Make it a must outing for you and your fur friend to find autumn leaves. Your fur friend might even find a pile of leaves to explore.
We are inspired this season by the colour yellow. The colour yellow is a happy, cheerful and high energy colour. It can add that happy bright energy that you see in the Autumn leaves. Our designer dog bedding collection has a range of yellow designs to choose from. You can add a bright spark of yellow into your interior design and your fur friend will look adorable snuggled into their happy coloured bed. Our two top Autumn 2021 dog bed design picks are Fur Personality Happy and Joy.
The dog bed Fur Personality Happy has a bright yellow background. This yellow colour is a burst of happy bright energy. The bed also features bright orange which makes the colour pallet brighter again. The remainder of the colours include white, black and a couple of earth tones. This makes a fantastic Autumn inspired colour pallet because of the bright colours balanced with the earth tones. Much like the beautiful colour contrast you find with bright coloured leaves, dark tree trunks and natural earth tones. The pattern is a display of both large and small scattered flowers. The flowers are a modern shape. The large scattered flowers are orange and white and they burst in colour on the yellow background. The smaller scattered flowers are in earth tone colours. The black outline of the flowers give the design a crisp and bold edge. If you are looking for a bright happy modern looking interpretation of autumn this designer dog bed would make a fantastic decor addition to your room. Plus your fur friend will look adorable surrounded by flowers and they can enjoy the soft comfort insert sleep cushion.
The dog bed Fur Personality Joy would make a great alternative if you love the colour pallet of Fur Personality Happy but you want a different pattern. The two bed designs share the same colours but the bed Fur Personality Joy features a spot design. The pattern is a display of large scattered spots. The black, white and orange spots pop on the yellow background colour. The black outline of the spots further make the spots a contrast feature and it also gives the design a bold edge. This is a great example of a smart and simple spot pattern having its own unique look because of the creativity of its bright colour pallet. This is a fun, bright happy and playful design.
These two beds also make a great coordinating set because they share the same colour pallet and their patterns are modern and contemporary looking. If you are inspired by the Autumn yellows these beds make a great choice.